Queen’s Surf Beach.

gay friendly beach - Waikiki

Queen’s Surf Beach,
Popular Gay Friendly Beach in
  Honolulu,   Hawaii

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Queen’s Surf Beach in the heart of Waikiki in Honolulu, Hawaii is one of the most scenic and most popular beaches in the world.
It is actually a section of Waikiki Beach, with the Kapahulu Groin on its west end and the Waikiki Aquarium on its east end.
It was named after Queen Liliuokalani, the last monarch of Hawaii, who used to have a beach house in the area.

With no direct hotel frontage, this beach is relatively secluded and uncrowded compared to other beaches in Waikiki’s north and south shores. It is also, by far, the most popular gay beach in Hawaii but also draws straights and families for wholesome fun.

The beach is a popular bodyboarding spot, particularly the nearby surf break called “Walls.” The area is marked by buoys and only bodyboarding is allowed. Surf boards are prohibited within 150 yards of the bouys.

Another popular activity in this beach is sonrkeling. A reef located in front of the Waikiki Aquarium provides excellent snorkeling opportunities when the water is calm.

During weekends, the beach hosts “Sunset on the Beach,” a free outdoor movie screening event with musical shows and food booths. Amenities at this beach include lifeguards, showers, toilets, grassy area, covered pavilion and volleyball courts.

Queen’s Surf Beach is located at is 2715 Kalakaua Ave., just across the Honolulu Zoo and north of Waikiki Aquarium.

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Queen’s Surf Beach
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