Schwulenberatung Berlin.

HIV test, Help Center - Berlin

Schwulenberatung Berlin,
  Berlin,   Germany

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As a counselling center, we offer help to gay and bisexual men, trans* and inter* people, people living with HIV/Aids and their relatives or partners. All services are confidential.

Over the last thirty years we have become a highly professional and skilled team of doctors, educators, health scientists, pedagogues, psychologists, psychotherapists, social scientists and social workers, administrators, as well as many volunteers and freelancers. Some of us have a migration or refugee background.

We can provide services in many languages such as Arabic, English, French, Greek, Polish, Slovak, Spanish, Czech, Russian or Turkish. Even if your language is not listed above, we will always strive to find a suitable interpreter. We are here to help those seeking advice, counselling and long or short term support.

We offer 1-on-1 and / or group counselling in all matters regarding:
• Coming-Out
• Mental health
• Age related problems
• Alcohol and drug use
• Addiction
• HIV/Aids

Other Help Centers (HIV test)

★  Gay Berlin Guide

Berliner Aids-Hilfe

Opening hours

Monday:        -
Tuesday:       -
Wednesday: -
Thursday:      -
Friday:           -
Niebuhrstraße 59-60
Berlin Berlin DE
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