Vienna Gay Travel Guide,
gay bars & clubs, saunas, hotels.

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gay vienna

Gay Vienna
• 10 gay bars and clubs,
•  8 gay saunas and cruising clubs,
More than 20 Gay Places in Vienna

Vienna Gay Guide

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Vienna (Wien) the capital of Austria. It is a beautiful city with many historic buildings. Vienna also has an interesting gay scene, including of of the most beautiful gay saunas, gay bars, gay clubs.

Both male and female same-sex sexual activity are legal in Austria. Registered partnerships were introduced in 2010.
Stepchild adoption was legalised in 2013, while full joint adoption was legalised by the Constitutional Court of Austria in January 2015.

On 5 December 2017, the Austrian Constitutional Court decided to legalise same-sex marriage.
Same-sex marriage will be legal starting on 1 January 2019, unless the Parliament changes the law themselves beforehand.

Vienna gay events:

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Posted July 14, 2023