D’Juice House.

Friendy Food Bar - Amsterdam

D’Juice House,
Friendly Bar in
  Amsterdam,   Netherlands

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“Juice me daily, keep me healthy”
Our mission is to provide a healthy alternative (e.g. juices, smoothies, raw cakes and sandwiches)
to the over-available unhealthy fast food.

“Juice me daily, keep me healthy”
D’JUICE HOUSE is THE hot spot for Fresh juices, Quick bite, boost your energy after a hard work out at gym, or a break after a shopping day.
The demands on our busy lives – family, friends, work, and sports– make it difficult to focus on ourselves and make the right choices. We are too quick to reach for ready-made products that often do little to improve our health. D’Juice House makes choosing ourselves and our health easier.

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D’Juice House

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Opening hours

Monday:        -
Tuesday:       -
Wednesday: -
Thursday:      -
Friday:           -
Saturday:       -
Sunday:         -
Heiligeweg 10
Amsterdam Amsterdam NL
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